What products/symbols I can trade

< 1 min read

  • Equity Futures: ES, NQ, NKD, YM, EMD, RTY
  • Interest Futures: 10Y, ZT, ZF, ZN, ZB, UB
  • Currency Futures: 6A, 6B, 6C, 6E, 6J, 6S, 6N
  • Agricultural Futures: HE, LE, GF, ZC, ZW, ZS, ZM, ZL
  • Energy Futures: CL, QM, NQ, QG, HO, RB
  • Metal Futures: GC, SI, HG, PL, PA, QI, QO
  • Micro Futures: MES, MYM, MNQ, M2K, MGC, M6A, M6E, MCL
  • Cryptocurrencies: MBT, MET
What time do I permitted to trade?

You can trade from market opens at 6 pm EST (New York time) and close your positions by 4:15 pm EST (New York Time) next day.

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